centimentalcomics: love letters to ruby

where hearts meet computer science

input, creative process, output

April 5, 2021

input, creative process, output

dear readers, this comic is for that moment when we're...read more

notes on how to catch a star

March 1, 2021

notes on how to catch a star

an ode to deploying your ideas to the world and to the art of ...read more

programming love languages

February 1, 2021

programming love languages

happy new month!...read more

conflict resolutions

January 4, 2021

conflict resolution

it’s the first full week of jan. this year, how many of your new year’s resolutions have you kept unbroken...read more

a hero's hierarchy of needs

December 28, 2020

a hero's hierarchy of needs

physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization...read more

the beauty of code

November 30, 2020

the beauty of code

what do i miss most in the before times ™ ?...read more

programming stories as horror novel plot

November 2, 2020

programming stories as horror novel plot

belated happy all hallows’ eve, all ...read more

the reclusive programmer tells us 4 things about a good code writing day

October 5, 2020

the reclusive programmer tells us 4 things about a good code writing day

write what you know, said mr. twain....read more

(prehistoric) computer icons making a zine (front)
(prehistoric) computer icons making a zine (back)

August 24, 2020

(prehistoric) computer icons making a zine

a (slapdash as all h) zine about some... read more

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