the thing that i was watching segued into something else and it revealed to me that about a week ago was the 100th day of the quarantine. and even though everyday feels like the 100th, i thought it might be fitting to do some kind of a retrospective. the plot twists in the time of quarantine is my (digressive than intended) attempt
it seems like reality tends to disagree with a lot of our expectations since (the start of) 2020. and i bet that when we set our ‘2020 vision’, reality was sitting at the back, laughing quietly at us (and we), the hopefuls. but we lived to see the 100th which maybe means so much more than we know — the plot twist to end all of the plot twists, i suppose. and maybe move on to the new normal with (stronger than ever) trust in: whatever i have, wherever i am, i can make it through anything in the ONE who makes me who i am
(p.s. dear mr. garcia marquez — it’s impossible, i know. but — if you are reading this, please know that i love your lovely work and i’m sorry if i have taken the title of your novel in vain)
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